Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lone Star Lap Quilt

I've been working on this since early this year.  A lot less work than it looks.  Just precise sewing!  No little squares or triangles cut to make this gem. The only reason it took so long is every time I got frustrated I would put it down and do something else.  Made the process far more enjoyable.

It is approximately 69 inches square...a lap quilt for two.  The backing is a lavender fabric.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Time Zips!

Doesn't seem like so long since Mother's Day...much has happened.

Daren and Kristie were married on June 30th in Rohnert Park, CA  A truly lovely event for two special people.

Following the wedding we returned to Nevada and got one more ride to Death Valley before the temperatures became oppressive.

Then, wonder of wonders it really RAINED on July 20th!  Very refreshing (and Larry's drainage system worked).
Then we were off to Nebraska for a week.

Art waiting for surgery

Fat Andy
Beautiful Southern Utah

Southern Utah, I-70

Since our return from our little Nebraska adventure we have been sapped by the heat.  We had forgotten that this is a month of OVER 100 degree temperatures.

Shadow loves Larry - and loves sleeping right next to him.

Shadow doesn't particularly like water...but she is smart enough to know that it is cooler on the pool float.  She will step on the float and then lay down.  Perfectly happy to be there with us as long as she is on the float.  (Although she does swim to the step if need be.)

Next up...motorcycle ride in September.